Altar Guild
oversee the provision of supplies for worship; schedule persons for set-up of Communion; care & placement of Paraments; & maintain candles
Christian Education:
recruit & train teachers; maintains church’s library; promote the call to ministry; and prepare a budget for the Stewardship committee
promote & implement responsible oversight of all financial affairs; provide resources & document committees from which a line item budget can be developed; secure, monitor, evaluate, & make recommendations for the church’s investments; promote & educate members about gift giving, estate planning, work with other committees for fundraisers; receive line item budget from all other committees
plan outreach endeavors & mission fundraisers; extend Christian compassion to all in need in body & spirit; provide food & funds to those in needs; assist Pastor with visitation of sick, homebound, inactive, etc. members; involve & inform all members in missions & outreach; prepare a budget for the Stewardship committee
Church/Congregational Life:
welcome visitors; plan new member material & classes; oversee memorial gardens, weekly flowers, and the like; maintain contact with college students & those in Service; oversee WELCA; approve & coordinate congregational meals; updates to Directory; prepare a budget for the Stewardship committee
develop maintenance goals for repair or replacement; plan clean up events for in/outside the church; secure persons for ground maintenance; maintain records of inspections, major repairs & maintenance, & inventory of current property, prepare a budget for the Stewardship committee
responsible for women’s groups, Sunday fellowship coffees/snacks, Fall Congregational Dinner, Children’s Busy Bags, & Advent/Christmas Fair, prepare a budget for the Stewardship committee
Memorial (temporary, as need):
promote memorials, bequeaths, major gifts & honorariums to the congregation; maintain record of items received through memorial; pray for staff & congregation; make periodic recommendations of how to use memorial funds